What is a Sponsorship and how does it differ from Commercial Advertising? In order to engage in Commercial Advertising, a Radio Station must have a Commercial License. Non-Commercial Stations such as KZNQ can still mention your products and services on the air. However, there are a different set of FCC Rules that govern such announcements. Sponsorships are governed by FCC Underwriting Rules. The Underwriting Rules state:
A Non-Commercial Radio Spot can consist of the following:
1) Should not be over 30 seconds total length
2) Sponsor must be identified
3) Can contain a description of 3 value neutral products or Services
4) Can contain Sponsor Address, Phone Number, or Website
Global Restrictions:
1) Can identify but not promote
2) No Qualitative or Quantitative Language
3) Cannot mention Prices
Would a Sponsorship work for me?
In our opinion, a Sponsorship is far superior to Commercial Advertising. Our suggested Sponsorship rates only cost a fraction of what Commercial Advertising does. Besides being expensive, Commercial Radio Advertising plays your Spot a lot less. A typical Commercial Radio Station might only air your Radio Spot 15 times a week. We air your Spot 12 times in a 24 hour period. This insures that your Spot reaches all of our Listeners. In Radio, repetition is everything. KZNQ is owned and operated by Santa Clarita Public Service Broadcasters Corporation. SCPSB is a 501c3 Corporation and your Sponsorship (Donation) is fully Tax Deductible.
Benefits of Sponsorship:
Affordable Options
Target the Santa Clarita Valley with daily repetition
No product cost - we do it for you!
Your support is tax-deductible
Promoted on our Social Media and Website
How do I get started with a Sponsorship?
Call our Sales Team at (818)669-8094, or via email at kznqfm@gmail.com